“Can you brave what you most fear”

“Can you brave what you most fear”


Sorry not sorry for the Frozen references, eventually in this series you will learn why.

Now before y’all start thinking, “Kaylee has went all 2007 Britney on us.” This series is more of stating the obvious, that I failed to provide what I promised. Also giving an explanation as to why, and what 2019 and the transition to 2020 made me realize about looking fear in the eye as I conquer it. Originally, I had intended to bravely become 100% translucent to the world. I knew the only way to accomplish my objective in making this blog, to inspire, would be to reveal the reality of overcoming my own struggles, even some of the shameful ones. With omitting fear of judgement as my biggest offensive play, I quickly fumbled allowing my opponent to win and bring my blog posts to a halt.  

Now, not only is it a new year, but a new decade… and it seems as if everyone agrees that 2019’s struggle was real!! New year, new decade, new attitude… I learned a lot as I endured “the struggle” of 2019 and I find it necessary to share some of that struggle so I can stop making excuses for having my guard up, for being “tired”, for avoiding company in my less than perfect home, for being chronically late. Honestly most of all so that I don’t have to tell the same story again.. because straight up in the past year I have experienced more heartbreaking awakenings than I have in my entire twenty six years on this earth.

This series is extremely personal and very emotional… I may or may not include people that I hold dear to me, names will not be mentioned.This is something that has also held me back in fear of hurting others feelings, or offending loved ones… but the truth is that the third side of the story is usually never told and that’s the reality of what happened. My perception, as nearly every human’s, is simply that, PERCEPTION. The struggles I have endured and learned lessons from will be shared as they played out in my head and what I was feeling through the endurances.

That being said…. Here goes nothing to the first “chapter” of this series.

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